Usually mistaken by "unripe tomato" tomatillo is actually reaching peak maturity on its emblematic green colour. Say no to scammers and do not buy "green colour unripe tomatoes" which are actually gonna turn red, yellow or any other colour later. This is one of the most common scams to sell you unripe tomatoes at the higher price of exotic tomatillos.
Alternatively known as "husk tomato" due to its distinctive husk which other tomatoes are not developing. Tomatillo plant is part of the "Nightshade" family. Other Nightshade family plants are eggplants, potatoes, peppers and tobacco. Tomatillos have high antioxidant properties and are low on calories, this makes them an ideal ingredient for your every day meals.
Tomatillos have a very important place in Mexican kitchen in some dishes such as Enchiladas Suizas and as well in a variety of sauces due to their acidic, bright, fresh and a bit citric like taste.
Some ideas?
Get a pepper of your choice; Jalapeno, Serrano, Habanero, which you can either fry on a frying pan for a few seconds, grill on fire or simply use it is marinated from the container. Add some onion, garlic, some herbs of your choice, salt, a touch of vinegar. Mix, blend or use any method of your like. And you get your personalised Salsa Verde. Once ready, you can as well blend it with avocado, sour cream or both of them. Use it with snacks, chips, tacos, quesadillas, steaks and more.
Comes out Tomatillo is a Tobacco relative... Who would tell...
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